When asked to participate in the Sparks and Stories exhibition I felt quite honoured to be able to share my story. Then the panic set in. What will I write about? What could I say? Do I have anything of value to share? Is anyone interested in my writing? And so the questions went on and on in my mind! I found myself asking the students some of those questions and looking for help.
But then I found my story and it begins and ends with a word.
Thoughts of my life experiences and how I felt were in the front of my mind.
My fortunate life has been to experience a wide variety of emotions including knowing what type of career I wanted, the excitement of gaining a permanent teaching position, overwhelming love to find my soul mate, the joy of having children of my own, the sadness of the loss of my parents and the thrill of travelling to many wondrous places. The list goes on in my mind. I am thankful to many for their friendship, care and inclusion in their worlds.
At times I have felt overwhelmed by the many challenges and events in my life that have formed who I am as a person. The way I view events has been challenged and changed.
I have looked to the simple but empowering things to help gain inner strength: The taste of a juicy apple, sitting by an open fire, listening to birds chirping, feeling the sun on my back or the scent of a flower and feeling the emotions of others.
My life experiences continue and are bound with many complexities, but are supported by